Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Spirituality Information - I Was Once A Terrorist!

I have stopped talking about current events but yesterday's horrendous bomb blasts in mumbai made me write this. My heart bleeds for the families who lost their loved ones and those thousands of people who were injured in this inhuman act of terrorism... I can feel the pain... The moistness in those eyes... I get goosebumps when my son does not return on time from school. How about those families who had to wrap their loved ones in white cloth and bid them farewell from this world ! Which parent would welcome those cruel hands of God which bought their dead children home ! What if i told you that this tragic event and many others are the brainchild of your own mind? Would you accept it? You dare not reject it because i am going to prove that we all are a terrorist in the making....

Human beings by their very nature want either good or bad things to happen to them. Yes we all prefer good things to happen to us. But when we are not able to get all those things which we truly want we silently plot those crooked ideas, those mean acts, and sow the seeds for cowardly actions. At the backyard of your mind a devil works all day,all night planting those bombs of destruction which we are not conscious of. We carry those bombs of anger,pain,envy,greed, and destruction with us all day. We might not hatch ideas to blow trains and airplanes but everyday we water our stupid ideas, our mean and narrow thinking and cause many a damage and discord in every day life. We don't destroy life's but neither do we build one. Everyday every minute we want to put someone down. A billion people with a crooked mind whose desires are not fulfilled create the atmosphere for these terrorist acts. We have silently given permission to a terrorist mind. The only difference is you dont own that mind which bombed the trains and airplanes but you are as much a facilitator for the creation of that mind.

Human beings are nerds. They will never grow up. You have to understand that the invisible forces have more power, more command than the visible ones. Your hands and eyes are mere toys at the mercy of the highest force within you . I was once a terrorist i have to admit since i had all these crooked qualities. I am not surprised when bad events happen in the world because perhaps that is what everyone wants... and if you think you want only good events can I request permission from you to inspect the backyard of your mind please........

Show me a fertile mind where good events can be launched my dear friend. There exists very few... You can change the world by starting the process of building a fertile mind ... A billion fertile minds with honest intentions will force God to come and visit this earth. In truth God did not create the world. He became the world . As the "Upanishads" the great religious scripture says " He became knowledge and ignorance. He became truth and falsehood....

Wake up my dear friends and don't waste your time talking about these inhuman acts. Go and have another look at those seeds you have sown in your own backyard. You will find more cactus than roses....

I was once a terrorist..... No more now... Never again in the near future. I plant roses in my backyard so that twenty years later my dream of a beautiful garden is fulfilled....

The heavens beyond are great and wonderful but greater and more wonderful are the heavens within you. It is these Edens that await the divine worker....

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