Thursday, June 28, 2007

Rocks That Won't Budge

I was very young when You gave me the talent for writing, Father. I know You expect Your children to use the talents You give to them. But in the midst of my pain, I've had no desire to write. I have turned my back on Your gift and wallowed in self-pity. My mantra has been "Why me?"

Recently, I've come to realize You're saying, "Why not you, Child? Aren't you running a race? Aren't You in training for eternity with Me? People in training must expect life to be harder. How can you expect to win the race if you wimp out during the training? Olympic contenders don't have time for self-pity! They want to win, so they endure injury, fatigue, isolation, betrayal, and whatever or whoever tries to derail them."

I always end up back at this point, don't I? I waste time complaining, massaging my ego, and believing my own excuses for quitting. It seems to follow a time of comparing myself to those around me. The detail I overlook is that I am Yours. I am expected to be in the world, but not of the world. As a soldier in Your army, I cannot compare myself to civilians. Why haven't I seen this before? Perhaps I was not equipped to receive this revelation until now.

Oh, Father. Scripture after scripture has been going through my consciousness and I'm ashamed of my self-absorption. "To whom much is given, much is required." You expect me to invest my talent, not bury it out of fear! You have me in training for a higher purpose.

You tell me, in Hebrews 12, I am surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses, and I must lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily ensnares me [self-absorption, perhaps?] and run with endurance the race that You have set before me. I am to look to Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith, not to those who seem to have an easier life than I.

It's as if I heard You tell me to push rock after rock. Obediently, I pushed and pushed, but could not budge any of the larger ones. Finally, I succumbed to self-pity and exhaustion, and complained I could not move these rocks. And You said, "Child, I never told you to move the rocks. I told you to push the rocks. And look at all the strength you've built. Now you're ready to be of service to Me."

Oh, Father. I'm ready! I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Letting Go and Why It Is So Difficult

The heart forms attachments to things, not only because it deems the things it holds onto to be valuable in themselves, but also because in the holding-on process, it acquires a sense of identity as the one who exists in relation to what is being held onto. This sense of identity can be attached to objects, (in which case hoarding can become a possibility), or people (in which case bonds of dependency or co-dependency can easily arise), or, it can exist in relation to a talent or skill that one possesses that is relied upon to impress others, or, to an area of success in life that can be held in the same light.

Attachments which support a sense of identity come in myriad forms, both human and non-human, and they create a structure which we often carefully maintain in order to perpetuate the view of ourselves that we have grown comfortable with. Part of the acquisition of attachments is based on the unfolding quest for self-definition – for knowledge of who we are. But an even greater part is often based on fear which prevents the 'knowledge-of-who-we-are' from being a continually unfolding process, with new things arriving at our doorstep every day. Instead, we allow 'who-we-are' to coalesce around things that are already known and familiar. Fear, in this sense, substitutes the known for the unknown, and replaces fluidity with efforts at stability and permanence.

This way of being would be met with less difficulty if life or the growth of self actually worked in this way. But life is continually changing – both changing us and changing the situations around us, and we ourselves, if we allowed ourselves to grow, would find that we were perpetually becoming someone other than who we had been.

This is the problem presented by the need to let go of things, people, situations – that without them, the fear arises which says: "What will become of me without this? Who will I be?" Very often, the conscious self can neither answer the question nor take the risk of finding an answer by walking into the unknown. As a result, instead of a process of continual expansion, options in life for self-exploration are foreclosed, and we embrace the comfortably familiar.

To let go of what we have held onto involves trust – trust that we are strong enough and capable enough to meet whatever the process of change will bring, and trust that life's opportunities and graces are sufficient so that when we let go of one thing, another comes to take its place. In the common parlance of today it is said: "when a door closes, a window opens." In the words of yesterday it was said: "Thy will be done."

"Thy will be done" is the prototype for letting go. It involves allowing something other and larger than our conscious selves to direct life, and places trust in the notion that if we surrender control and holding-on to things out of fear, beneficial effects will occur.

Equally importantly, the holding on that we do, based on the fear of changing and of life changing, prevents us from experiencing our life and ourselves as fully alive. Our choices become smaller, our vistas less expansive. And for many, this constriction of opportunity and choice becomes more and more narrow, so that by the time one is elderly, it has almost disappeared into the small rituals and repetitive behaviors of each day. This narrowness is not a function of aging. It is a function of aging while allowing the choices and opportunities for growth to slip by, due to the fear of change.

What we choose in relation to what life presents us with, can take us to the next step of our growth as a soul, or it can prevent growth from occurring in the full potential that it might. In any case, all choices will lead us forward, but the ones that permit letting go and the alteration that this inevitably brings, will produce the greatest amount of forward movement for the soul.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Karma Isn't Punishment & You Can't Have Karma Without Reincarnation

The concept of karma is often misunderstood. It's not about
punishment. That would imply there's a judging God and we
don't believe that, nor do other experts in the field, such as
Brad Steiger, Richard Sutphen, Dr. Ian Stevenson, Dr.
Raymond Moody, Dr. Leo R. Sprinkle, and numerous others.

Whenever you feel that something in your life is unfair, keep
asking why until you perceive the situation more clearly and
understand the root reasons. Not the surface reasons, but the
deeper and past life reasons; what started it all. Keep asking,
and meditate on why.

For example, a family member refuses to respect your basic
human rights, to the point of blatant abuse on a consistent
basis. You forgive her, you express tolerance, but she still
continues, frequently disturbing your peace of mind and
tossing in additional challenge in your already demanding
daily routine.

Why? You think to yourself that you've never treated anyone
this way in your life (this one, at least), and that you can't
imagine acting that way to her or anyone else. However,
know that one's personality in this life is not the same as
personalities in prior lives. A "saint" in this life could
very well have been the opposite in prior lives, before
learning the value of honesty and respecting others, for

Initially you get zero insight about the matter, but then
impressions slowly start to form through meditation. You
intuit that it could be one, or both, of two different notions:
you dished out a similar challenge to her in previous lives
and, or you agreed to this circumstance before incarnating to
help you develop your level of compassion and acceptance.
Does this awareness make it go away? No, but it allows you
to further understand the matter and therefore garner more
forgiveness, for yourself and others.

It's not about what happened to you, it's about why. When
you understand why you (yes you, on a soul, not personality
level) chose to experience the situations, conditions and the
lessons involved, it becomes much easier to handle. With
awareness comes compassion, and compassion leads to
forgiveness. Taking full responsibility for all circumstances
in your life and forgiving yourself and others will set you free.

Copyright © 2007 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Create Your Right Work Right Now

Do you LOVE what you do? Does it energize you even when you've had nothing to eat and no sleep? Do you look forward to waking up every morning so you can do it some more?

If not, why not?

We ALL have something that, when we're doing it, we are instantly placed directly into the abundant flow of the GOOD the Universe has for us. And until we're doing it, we will struggle. We will suffer. We will feel empty, unfulfilled, frustrated, even severely depressed. Our lives will simply NOT WORK.

And guess what? We planned it that way! We knew it would be easy to get bogged down in the struggle for survival, the societal programming about what we 'should' do, and the distractions that keep us from hearing the voice of our inner guidance, so we made sure we programmed in a failsafe. That until we got everything out of the way of doing what we were born to do, we would feel increasingly uncomfortable and unfulfilled, and the other parts of our lives would never quite fall into balance.

Why would we do such a thing?

Because doing our Right Work is absolutely critical to the creation of The New Earth!

You see, there is a piece missing whenever you are not doing your Right Work. A piece of the Divine Plan for World Peace that is unable to be manifested because YOU are the one intended to manifest it! No one else can fill the void left by your absence!

Do you hear what I'm telling you? YOU ARE *ESSENTIAL*!

And the really fantastic thing is, you are NOT alone!

Your nonphysical supports are here! They are waiting! They want nothing more than to help you step into your Divine and Glorious Service to this planet!

Those on the other side of the veil will do everything in their power to support you in doing your Right Work, for it is their work to support the manifestation of this New Earth also, but it is YOU who has to set the intention to step into that flow! Until that time, all they can bring to you is what you've agreed to settle for!

If you look around you and do not see the way to do your work, it is because the way is NOT outside of you! It is INside of you! And it is only when you look there that the way will be found! So ask yourself, if you had NO obligations to anyone, and all the money you could want, how would you spend your time? What activities would fill your days? What would you do to bring joy into your life?

THAT is what you're here to do. I'm serious. That's it. Can't figure out how that will make you money or serve the planet? Guess what? You don't have to! All you have to do is get clear on what you want, and ask for it! And the best way to ask is to write it down on paper. Why? Writing something down brings the nonphysical into the physical and accelerates the manifestation process even more than speaking it aloud.

Still skeptical? That's okay. It will work even if you're not sure it will, as long as you believe it *might*.

Or in other words, as long as you keep the attitude of, "Hey, it could happen!"

So, just to see what happens, give this a shot:

Write down how much money you want coming in. Write down what you want to spend your days doing. Then WATCH, and LISTEN, and ACT ON the opportunities your nonphysical support team rushes to put before you. I guarantee they're just waiting to blow your mind.

The New Earth is waiting to be born...what's your part in it?

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Spirituality Information - Stop Talking About Other People!

Why is everyone not talking about you? Why is the world not interested in what you are doing? Why are you not being interviewed by the media like all the other famous personalities?" Four years back my ten year old nephew asked me this question. He was desperate to see me getting popular.

"I don't care about the world ! " I said. I lied. I did want to get popular. I did want to get interviewed. I wanted people to talk about me. But the fact was i was not doing anything interesting to be written about....

I was spending my precious talking about other famous personalities, about every other external event in the world. I was spending hours reading newspapers,surfing websites and had an opinion about every other person and event. I only thought about my goals and ambitions once a week !

However, I used to go to the temple daily and pray to God to fulfill my wishes.That day four years back when i went to the temple... I was in for a surprise. A clear,soft and powerful voice spoke to me and i have since then religiously followed every bit of it. Here is what i heard....

"Stop talking about other people." The voice was stern. It was as if God was whacking me." Your life is more precious than your opinion about the world. You have a dream, a goal and you have to nourish it,water it and take care of them very deligently. You have to grow a beautiful garden filled with the choicest of flowers in your mind. You have been given a great responsibility and you are accountable to me and not to anyone else... If you can do this all your wishes will be fulfilled. This would be your greatest gift to me. " The voice went on .....

I fulfill most of the wishes of the people. If they want a dream house, a beautiful car, a lovely wife, a nice husband, wonderful children... I bless them and grant them everything in due course of time. All these people want an increase in their standard of living and i fulfill their wishes. But there are very few people who are close to my heart. They come here to increase their quality of life. They know that an increase in the standard of living has nothing to do with the increase in the quality of their life.To these people I reveal all the hidden secrets of life... These people do not ask for anything .. They come here to pray and they want Me to set their goals, their ambitions, their plans. They want Me to enter into their mind and body and willingly i do... because they are committed to living a quality life and not so much bothered about the increase in their standard of living.... These people eventually end up many times richer than those who ask... Such are the ways of life my dear child... I am happy to give you a car, a house, and all that which you desire but I am more happy to grant you My vision, My dream of your role in this life..... "

I nailed those words in my mind from that point on ..... I worked on myself , in increasing the quality of my life. I became a serious student of life. I paid attention to every small thing i was doing.. The thoughts i was thinking, the language i was using, the words i was speaking, the articles i was reading, the channels i was watching, the food i was eating and slowly but surely i corrected each of them. The way i did it was I asked myself :

" Is there a better choice of words i can use ....

" Can i think about something more powerful than the thoughts that are coming to me...

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Spirituality Information - I Was Once A Terrorist!

I have stopped talking about current events but yesterday's horrendous bomb blasts in mumbai made me write this. My heart bleeds for the families who lost their loved ones and those thousands of people who were injured in this inhuman act of terrorism... I can feel the pain... The moistness in those eyes... I get goosebumps when my son does not return on time from school. How about those families who had to wrap their loved ones in white cloth and bid them farewell from this world ! Which parent would welcome those cruel hands of God which bought their dead children home ! What if i told you that this tragic event and many others are the brainchild of your own mind? Would you accept it? You dare not reject it because i am going to prove that we all are a terrorist in the making....

Human beings by their very nature want either good or bad things to happen to them. Yes we all prefer good things to happen to us. But when we are not able to get all those things which we truly want we silently plot those crooked ideas, those mean acts, and sow the seeds for cowardly actions. At the backyard of your mind a devil works all day,all night planting those bombs of destruction which we are not conscious of. We carry those bombs of anger,pain,envy,greed, and destruction with us all day. We might not hatch ideas to blow trains and airplanes but everyday we water our stupid ideas, our mean and narrow thinking and cause many a damage and discord in every day life. We don't destroy life's but neither do we build one. Everyday every minute we want to put someone down. A billion people with a crooked mind whose desires are not fulfilled create the atmosphere for these terrorist acts. We have silently given permission to a terrorist mind. The only difference is you dont own that mind which bombed the trains and airplanes but you are as much a facilitator for the creation of that mind.

Human beings are nerds. They will never grow up. You have to understand that the invisible forces have more power, more command than the visible ones. Your hands and eyes are mere toys at the mercy of the highest force within you . I was once a terrorist i have to admit since i had all these crooked qualities. I am not surprised when bad events happen in the world because perhaps that is what everyone wants... and if you think you want only good events can I request permission from you to inspect the backyard of your mind please........

Show me a fertile mind where good events can be launched my dear friend. There exists very few... You can change the world by starting the process of building a fertile mind ... A billion fertile minds with honest intentions will force God to come and visit this earth. In truth God did not create the world. He became the world . As the "Upanishads" the great religious scripture says " He became knowledge and ignorance. He became truth and falsehood....

Wake up my dear friends and don't waste your time talking about these inhuman acts. Go and have another look at those seeds you have sown in your own backyard. You will find more cactus than roses....

I was once a terrorist..... No more now... Never again in the near future. I plant roses in my backyard so that twenty years later my dream of a beautiful garden is fulfilled....

The heavens beyond are great and wonderful but greater and more wonderful are the heavens within you. It is these Edens that await the divine worker....

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Spirituality Information - All Your Actions Will Not Bear Any Fruit Unless

Can you stop the leap of the snake which intends to bite you?

Can you force the murderer who has come to kill you to drop the knife?

Can you stop the tsnumani from wrecking your house?

You might be surprised ,but the answer to all the above three questions is "Yes You can do it" . It might take a long time but i want to show you how it is done.....

I want to make one thing clear first . I have not attempted to do any of these three things stated above. However, i have applied the knowledge which i have gained thru deep insight and thru learning from great masters to similar events of a lower intensity and they have proved to be highly effective.

Before i reveal it all to you I would like to tell you of a real life incident which will help you understand this concept much better. It was in 1996 when i was in Pittsburgh,USA that i fell terribly ill. All the medicines which the doctors prescribed had failed. I went to every specialist but no one could identify my illness. I had high fever,severe vomiting and my weight was reducing by the day. It was terrible. I was admitted to the hospital at least half a dozen times. No doctor could locate the exact nature of the virus .... I came back to India half dead... My parents got me admitted to one of the best hospitals in Mumbai. However, In India it was still worse ... At the age of 24 I was going through the worst moments of my life.

Then suddenly everything changed for the better.... In walked the No 1 doctor of Mumbai. He was 69 at that time. He smiled at me ... I smiled back with whatever little energy i had.... "We will make you fit in two weeks time..." These were his exact words. Like a master at work ,he calmly went thru my medical history, asked a few questions, examined my body and then prescribed two tests and left...

Late evening the next day the doctor came back again and said "We have identified your illness and your medication will start tomorrow. You will be fine in a weeks time...." Within a week of taking those medicines i was back to normal. I had no fever and vomiting after a week. My parents were happy and i was relieved...

Three months of taking all the medicines prescribed by the world renowned doctors could not cure my illness... Finally the right diagnosis of the disease did the trick.....

What is the lesson for everyone here?

The No 1 lesson I learnt is "Action is the next step after Knowledge". It is not action that is important . . It is not the number of hours you work, or your honest commitment and energy which will help you get the things you really want.All these qualities are of very little use if you are not aware of your deepest intention, your innermost dreams. Like the doctors in my case you will be putting in your best efforts, your total commitment and energy and yet you would not achieve anything that you truly want and will remain unhappy. We pride ourselves for the number of hours we work everyday, of the focus and commitment we put in our work but we care very little for knowing our deepest and most genuine desires. We do not pay any attention to it. Think about it….When i use the word know, i mean those wants which stir your soul and not your small little selfish interests of seeking money and power....

The first step is in truly knowing. Taking action is simple. Action becomes stressful and frustrating when you do not know ..

You can get anything that you want only when you know what you truly want .

You can get out of any problem in your life if you can get to the root cause of the problem.

If you can go the source of the problem, the originator of destruction, the initial vibrations which forced a man to pick up the knife and murder you, or the snake to sting you or the tsunami to destroy your house, you can alter that decision and seek remedy... The force that that can propel a murderer to drop his knife, or a snake to lower its hood or a tsunami to mellow down is the same force that had enabled the doctor to diagnose the illness properly and cure it. It is only that the intensity of the force has to be much stronger to enable the murderer to drop his knife, or the snake to lower its hood. Your genuine intention and your deepest knowledge of the source of the problem will help you identify the hidden cause of the problem and thus resolve it....

You get only one second to act in all these three cases but if you had complete knowledge of the source of these problems your action might be significantly different and so yield positive results. It might take a decade or more to put these things to practise but the knowledge that you can solve any problem by going to the root cause of the problem remains intact be it diagnosing an illness or in eliminating the motive of a murderer or stopping a snake from biting you.....

Friday, June 8, 2007

Making Our Homes Attractive To Our Kids - The Place Where Our Kids Want To Hang Out

Our children are both grown now, so now it is my husband, Mike, and I dwelling in our home. When Michelle and Michael were younger, we looked forward to spending time with them and having them at our home as much as they wanted, because they were a delight to us—and they still are.

It was standard practice in our home to sit around a table to enjoy our meals together. It takes time to prepare a tasty meal, set the table, and sit with your children as you all share your lives with one another, but this is time well spent. We did not use meal times to bring up issues that required discipline; instead, we did a lot of laughing. Acts 2:28 says, "You have made known to me the ways of life, You will make me full of joy in Your presence." Inviting the presence of the Lord into your home and to your table is essential. Preparing a little extra food at a meal just in case friends happened to come by and having good snacks on hand made their friends feel welcome. Part of our responsibility when we want people to feel welcome in our homes is to keep our homes clean and orderly; this does not mean perfection. Of course, kids often feel comfortable in their own messy rooms, but they would be embarrassed if the whole house were a mess.

Whether helping with their school work or shooting hoops, you can always make your children feel you are there for them. Our children have told us they appreciated the balance we showed of interacting with their friends when they were around, but also giving them their space.

The Book of James is filled with good advice and wisdom about living life. Let's look at James 3:10—"Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so." As parents, we have a responsibility to not speak curses into our children's lives in a moment of anger, but speak life and blessing into them. Yes, we can ask for forgiveness, but the damaging words may have already done their work in causing pain and wounding spirits. It is important to teach our children to also speak words of life to others. Being consistent in behavior and attitudes that line up with biblical principles was valued in our home. Ephesians 6:4 says, "And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord." We decided early in our parenting years to be more concerned with helping develop our children's character and spiritual life and not sweat the small stuff.

What about electronic devices such as their music, TV and video games? Many children start using electronic devices at a young age and want to have the latest and greatest, as well as spend lots of time playing them. If these devices are in the home, monitoring the use of them is essential—both what they are watching or playing and the amount of time they are being used (moderation and self-control - Galatians 5:23). There are also lots of other activities that will build imagination and creativity, as well as keep your children busy and entertained for hours at a time.

Regardless of the size of the house or what activities can be done there, it is the atmosphere of the home that is important to create a place where your children will want to hang out—loving, caring, affirming, welcoming, joyful, peaceful, and safe—and food is always a winner.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The Illusion of Separation

The concept that everything is separate from everything else is erroneous. The ideas that the Creator is separate from the Creation, that mankind is separate from his Creator, that Nature is separate from mankind, that people are separate from other people, and so on, are all incorrect and illusory. All things and all life-forms come from one Divine Source and they will return to that same source, because what they are in essence IS the one Source. Ultimately, amidst levels of higher vibration, there is only one Self of Mankind, and there is only one Self of the Universe, and there is only one Self of God -- and they are all the same Self, the same Source. In essence, all is one.

This may be a difficult idea to acknowledge for many people, but if they were too simply observe all life and all things around them, beyond their limiting separatist concepts, they will begin to see the underlying unity. Because there is only one Universal Mind from which all things were created, a principal must stand that all things come from one Reality.

When you observe a prism, it casts a rainbow of seven colors, but their source is the one light of the sun. This is the living symbols of Nature that reflects deeper realities, that teaches us higher truth principles. The Source is one, although it manifests in various forms. In the beginning, the Word was spoken, the Divine Logos, the First Vibration emanated forth and caused the whole Creation to unfold; however, it is still unfolding, and expanding. But we must remember that it all comes from one single Source.

From the unity came diversity, and then people perceived separation. Now they must learn to see beyond the diversity and returned to the unity. This is why you must learn to see beyond the dense, mundane level. When you look at your brother, you are not looking at another, you are looking at yourself. When he looks at you, he is looking at himself. When you help another, you're helping yourself. When you give to another, you give to yourself. When you receive from others, you're giving to others. When you come to know yourself, you come to know God. When you know God, you come to fully know yourself, for your Self is God in essence. This is realizing Divine Union. Don't endeavor to intellectualize this idea of Unity, but rather surrender into it and experience it.

The principle of "As you sow, so shall ye reap," otherwise known as karma, involves the flow of the energy of unity between various points. This is why when you direct energy toward another, it will return to you with full force, whether it is positive or negative. According to this principle, if you wish for something good, then you must emanate good and positive energy toward others. The only way to receive anything is by giving it away. Abundance comes not from taking it, but giving it away. And you have more than you can imagine. Simply look within yourself. Such a principal may seem to defy logic, but when you practice it, you begin to see fruition.

Believing in separation is erroneous, and it will lead you down a futile path. So first you have to believe that all is one; hold to this, surrender into it until it becomes real to you, until you experience that "The Creator and I are one." This is Union with the Divine Source. This is the Atonement, which is At-One-ment. Separation is the way to misery and suffering. Oneness is the way of joy, love, and peace in your life. Go into yourself deeply and find God here. For you or That.

The ego thrives on the idea of separation. When you focus only on the ego or live from the point of the ego, this is how you separate yourself from God, because the idea of separation becomes part of your belief system. This belief in separation is often caused by doubt and lack of faith in a greater Reality, and quite often it is due to a blatant rejection or disbelief in this Reality. This occurs because the untamed ego believes it is the center of the universe and it separates everything away from itself. It only wants attention for itself, and that can be positive or negative. It doesn't necessarily care for others, but it may use the disguise of helping others if it benefits itself. It enjoys categorizing everything and everybody, especially if everyone is in a lower category than itself. However, there are times, due to an ongoing inferiority complex in some people, when the ego puts itself in the lowest possible category, because it feels that is all it deserves. So you have arrogant egos and humiliated egos, and variations in between. Either way, these types of individuals lives in a world of separation and limitation. This kind of separatist thinking is handed down from generation to generation, going back into antiquity.

When Spirit entered dense matter, this was the beginning of a learning and growth process, because the manifesting souls must experience the depths of lower vibration in order to spiritually unfold; therefore, in the beginning they experienced separation and limitation amidst a world of diversity. Many philosophers will say that when you experience the depths, you will appreciate the heights. Therefore, when you experience the greatest separation, even unto sheer loneliness, you will eventually appreciate spiritual oneness, especially unity with your Divine Source.

On this Path of Return, you first begin to sense a connection with all people, with Nature, and with the universe. If you were to go on a Nature walk, and just let yourself go, put yourself feel Nature, tuning into it, you will begin to feel an affinity with it, and soon you will feel oneness with it. If you were to attend a gathering of people, especially spiritually-minded people, and if you attend week after week, soon you will sense a definite bond with them, a sense of unity. You will feel joy every time you meet with them, and you will also begin to sense love for them, because they have become your family. When you learn to meditate and go within, feeling the Divine Presence herein, you are definitely tuning into this unity. From this you begin to develop a yearning toward your Divine Source, whose love sought you out from the beginning, which inspires you to love your Creator in return. In these ways you begin to leave the misconception of separation behind you as you learn to enter true Oneness of Being. One of the key realities you will discover is that love leads to unity. When you surrender through love, Oneness comes.

What began as an extraordinary physical experience, and even an enlightening emotional experience, soon becomes a genuine mystical experience. This is when you begin to realize your connection with the Divine, to experience that you are one with It. From whence you came you shall return.

The Mystical Return occurs through your Illumination and Self-realization, which are crucial initiatory steps toward Divine Union. Illumination is witnessing the door open and seeing the light pouring out from within. Self-Realization is the door opening further that leads into true freedom of being, seeing who you truly are, for here you begin to realize that "The Source and I are One."