Heaven is a topographic point on earth. Bashes that rise questions...sound absurd? Are it possible to undergo a minute on Earth that's just like heaven? Only you can know for yourself...not believe for yourself...but know for yourself. Keep reading. Heaven may be near than you think.
A large tough samurai warrior once went to see a small monk. "Monk," he said, in a voice accustomed to instantaneous obedience, "teach me about Heaven and hell!" The monastic looked up at this mighty warrior and replied with arrant disdain, "Teach you about Heaven and hell? I can't learn you anything. Look at yourself. You're dirty. You smell. Your leaf blade is rusty. You're a disgrace. Get out of my sight." The samurai was furious. He trembled and his human face turned reddish with rage; he raised his sword, preparing to slay the small monk.
"That's hell," the monastic said softly. The samurai was completely taken back. He took a deep breath, deeply moved by the compassionateness and resignation of this small adult male who had offered his life, to give this teaching, and show him hell! He slowly lowered his sword, filled with gratitude, and suddenly peaceful. "And that's heaven," said the monk.
After reading the above narrative in a book called How Can I Help, I immediately thought how much we are like the warrior when something unpleasant haps and we acquire angry. Our disquieted fill ups us with interior disturbance and gives us an experience of life that we depict as "going through hell". If that's where we are left when upset, it's not where we must stay.
Many people utilize the saying, "This is a piece of Heaven on earth" to depict a beautiful place, experience, or clip when they are present to what only Supreme Being could do and make possible. Describing life that manner is not normally what we make on a day-to-day basis. Watching your kid being born, standing on the rim of the Thousand Canyon, and other astonishing experiences, aren't regular happenings for most of us. However, that doesn't intend we can't experience life as "a piece of Heaven on earth" on a day-to-day basis.
The cardinal is being present to what Supreme Being have created and made possible — day-in and day-out. Since Supreme Being is love and we are created in His image, when our way of being encompasses love (patience, kindness, gratitude, gentleness, forgiveness, etc.), we undergo the Kingdom of Heaven because we undergo the presence of God, but only if we acknowledge the opportunity.
Recognizing and experiencing the Kingdom of Heaven is only possible in the present moment. Experiencing life as, "just like heaven" originates from our Godly way of being...right now; Not our human way of being. Here's what I mean. See the two fundamentally different ways of being, from which we dwell our lives.
God's manner of being radiances through when we are being: Loving, Accepting, Grateful, Faithful, Trusting, Forgiving, Hopeful, Joyful, Helpful, Caring, Generous, Giving, Compassionate, Kind, Patient, Understanding, Humble, and Authentic.
The human reactive manner of being radiances through when we are being: Hateful, Judgemental, Ungrateful, Fearful, Worried, Anxious, Distrustful, Resentful, Angry, Full of Despair, Miserable, Distraught, Uncaring, Selfish, Unkind, Impatient, Self-Righteous, Prideful, Inauthentic, and Fake.
As you can see, how much or how small we undergo Supreme Being and "heaven on earth", depends on our manner of being. When our reactive ways of being tally rampant, we undergo separation from God, just as the the warrior did. In our suffering, the Kingdom of Heaven looks far, far away. We neglect to recognize that God isn't missing from our life. Rather, our reactive ways cause us to miss God's presence. In missing God's presence, we also lose the Kingdom of Heaven.
On the other hand, when we reflect a Godly manner of being, we are in harmoniousness with God. As a result, we undergo God's presence and peace and naturally depict life as..."just like heaven."
Today is a portion of ageless life. Heaven and Hell are words that tin depict your experience on any given day. If you ever depict yourself as "going through hell", take a deep breath and make what you must to set your manner of being so you can undergo the other side -the Kingdom of Heaven...right here on earth.